
Counting Actors Info

Since June 2011, I've been reporting on shows produced in the SF Bay Area using the criteria below. As of Aug 1st, 2013, I've shared info on over 300 shows - gender of writer and director, total number of actors, gender of actors, numbers of union and non-union actors, numbers of local and non-local actors, and numbers of male and female union actors.

The Bay Area's community of actors, directors, designers, stage managers, theater administrators and audience members have shared statistics from shows they've seen or worked on, and you can too by following the instructions below.

For a complete list of the plays used for the article in the May/June 2013 issue of Theatre Bay Area, go here.

Beginning March 2014, the monthly report for Counting Actors will be published on the Works by Women San Francisco blog.  We are the process of copying the archive, and streamlining the submission process as well.

To read through just the Counting Actors monthly posts (as opposed to all of the posts on SFBayAreaActor), look for the 'counting actors' tag at the end of a blog post and click it, or go here.  If you'd like to see the posts that compile the show data grouped 100 shows at a time, go here.

Thanks for contributing to the Counting Actors project.  Please cut and paste the list below and fill out the answers.  Email it to countingactors (at)

Please make sure of the following before  you send:

1) the performance took place in the 9 county San Francisco Bay Area (that's San Francisco, Alameda, Contra Costa, Santa Clara, Marin, Sonoma, San Mateo, Solano, and Napa counties) OR that the contract's city of origin was within the 9 county bay area (this last bit typically applies to commercial productions of recent Broadway hits that are on a national tour - if the city of origin is local, one would hope they'd hire locals.  If its origin city is NY or LA, the hiring would get done there - if you're not sure on this one, send it anyway and I'll let you know.)
2) the company pays their actors - this wasn't a school performance or done by a company that identifies as a community theater or amateur theater (again, if you're not sure on this one, send it anyway and I'll figure things out)
3) the performance was a full production, not a staged reading, developmental showing, etc.
4) the performance is from the current month.  I'm not able to go backwards - if you're emailing me in September, it should be for a show that had performances in the month of September.  I will publish each month's results between the 1st and 5th of the following month. (September results between October 1st and 5th, October results between Nov 1st and 5th, and so on).  If the project ran over a period of 2 months, and you're sending me info in the 2nd month, I may have already included it in the previous month's count.  I'm happy to collect stats early!!  If it's May and rehearsals are already underway for something that's performing in June, send me the stats and I'll hold onto them until the month that the show goes up.

Cut and paste this list into your email:

Your Name (as you'd like it posted in the blog - let me know if you'd rather not have your name in the blog too):
A URL to link to your name (optional - could be your personal website, your company's website):
How you found out about the Counting Actors Project:
Name of Play:
Name of Theater Company:
Your connection to the show (audience member, producer, writer, actor, etc.):
Gender of Director(if a musical, please list genders of both director and music director):
Gender of Writer (if a musical, please list genders for book writer, lyrics writer, and composer):
Total number of actors:
Total male actors:
Total female actors:
Total union actors:
Total non-union actors
Total male union actors:
Total female union actors:
Total local actors:
Total non-local actors (I'm trying to use the union's definition here - non-local actors are typically provided housing by the theater - they probably also don't have a lot of credits at local companies in their program bio):
Notes/noteworthy additional info (examples might be - there were multiple writers/directors or in this production a woman played Romeo):